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Dollar Cost Average Calculator for [LRCX] Lam Research Corp.
Data updated 2025-Feb-10 (Monday)Quick Instructional video for this page. Collapse this after viewing by clicking How-to button above. Open in new tab
Provided As-is for informational/educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice . Past performance may not be not indicative of future results. Always consult your Investment Adviser before any decision
Takeaway: Investing $100.00 on a bi-weekly basis from 2023-Feb-11 would have generated $-3,758.62 in losses with position valued at $1,441.38 (17.78 shares) on 2025-Jan-31
Takeaway: Dollar Cost Averaging for Lam Research Corp. by investing $100.00 on a bi-weekly basis generated a cumulative return of -72.28% from 2023-Feb-11. Underlying Lam Research Corp. stock returned -84.12% over the same period with bi-weekly returns averaging -0.63%
Takeaway: See how your blended Dollar Cost Averaged Price evolves from 2023-Feb-11 when compared to the underlying price of Lam Research Corp.
Related Resources for Portfolio
Performance & Drawdowns : Benchmark Portfolio performance & Drawdown analysis
Portfolio Seasonality : Absolute/Benchmarked performance through calendar months
Risk Reward Ratios : Evaluate Risk-Reward tradeoff with Sharpe & Sortino ratios
Portfolio Alpha : Quantify portfolio outperformance with Jensen's Alpha
Portfolio Beta : Analyze portfolio volatility with Portfolio Beta
Correlation Matrix : Correlations between Portfolio constituents & find other uncorrelated/negatively correlated assets
Value At Risk : Historical distribution of daily Portfolio drawdowns
Dollar Cost Averaging : Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) individual stocks in your portfolio Currently Viewing
Portfolio Seasonality : Absolute/Benchmarked performance through calendar months
Risk Reward Ratios : Evaluate Risk-Reward tradeoff with Sharpe & Sortino ratios
Portfolio Alpha : Quantify portfolio outperformance with Jensen's Alpha
Portfolio Beta : Analyze portfolio volatility with Portfolio Beta
Correlation Matrix : Correlations between Portfolio constituents & find other uncorrelated/negatively correlated assets
Value At Risk : Historical distribution of daily Portfolio drawdowns
Dollar Cost Averaging : Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) individual stocks in your portfolio Currently Viewing