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1-day Volatility
Data updated 2025-Mar-21 (Friday)Identify trends from 1-day performances of All Stocks moving with swing volatility on 2025-Mar-21 (Friday) . Also available for historical dates
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Scatter plot for 1-day performance as of 2025-Mar-21 close. Showing elevated Swing Volatility above threshold (> 2.42%). Threshold is 2.0x of S&P500 volatility
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Calculation Methodology: Swing volume for current chart is calculated using Highs & Lows for trailing 1-day period from 2025-Mar-21
Swing Volatility is calculated for each security by looking at % of (High - Low) / Low for given time period
Elevated Volatility is segmented into elevated (i.e. higher relative to S&P 500 index by a multiplier) for presentation purposes
Other segment shows the remaining Stocks/ETFs not included in the Elevated segment
How to use this:
Swing Volatility separates Stocks/ETFs trading in wider ranges from their peers
Investors often use this to spot mean reversion trends and swing trade ideas
Interpretation above is not comprehensive but rather just a starting point of understanding. Experienced market professionals typically use a combination of different datapoints to drive decisions
Interpretation above is not comprehensive but rather just a starting point of understanding. Experienced market professionals typically use a combination of different datapoints to drive decisions
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Dashboard : Market Pulse using broad themes (e.g. Growth vs. Value, Equities vs. Treasuries etc.)
Snapshots : Popular lists of stocks & etfs (best streaks, most beaten down etc. in last X days)
Market Performance : Recent performance across covered assets
Historical Performance : Prior & Subsequent performance across assets on a historical date
Market Technicals : Technical indicator levels across covered assets
Market Seasonality : Seasonal performance by calendar months across covered assets
Performance Comparison : Chart compare/benchmark performance with multiple assets over time
Side-by-Side Comparison : Contrast with other assets over time in a side-by-side presentation
Sector : Analyze & compare Sector performance
Industry : Analyze & compare Industries within Sectors
Breakouts & Breakdowns : Identifying stocks/etfs which recently traded up/down in unusually elevated volumes
Swing Volatility : Identifying stocks/etfs with elevated volatility Currently Viewing
World Explorer : Performance & Correlation between key countries across the world
Advance/Decline : Sentiment using accumulated advances & declines in S&P 500 stocks
Highs/Lows : Sentiment using frequency of key highs/lows in S&P 500 stocks
Moving Average : Sentiment using frequency of S&P 500 stocks above key moving averages
Technical Distribution : Sentiment using frequency distribution of S&P 500 stocks with bullish/bearish technical levels
Snapshots : Popular lists of stocks & etfs (best streaks, most beaten down etc. in last X days)
Market Performance : Recent performance across covered assets
Historical Performance : Prior & Subsequent performance across assets on a historical date
Market Technicals : Technical indicator levels across covered assets
Market Seasonality : Seasonal performance by calendar months across covered assets
Performance Comparison : Chart compare/benchmark performance with multiple assets over time
Side-by-Side Comparison : Contrast with other assets over time in a side-by-side presentation
Sector : Analyze & compare Sector performance
Industry : Analyze & compare Industries within Sectors
Breakouts & Breakdowns : Identifying stocks/etfs which recently traded up/down in unusually elevated volumes
Swing Volatility : Identifying stocks/etfs with elevated volatility Currently Viewing
World Explorer : Performance & Correlation between key countries across the world
Advance/Decline : Sentiment using accumulated advances & declines in S&P 500 stocks
Highs/Lows : Sentiment using frequency of key highs/lows in S&P 500 stocks
Moving Average : Sentiment using frequency of S&P 500 stocks above key moving averages
Technical Distribution : Sentiment using frequency distribution of S&P 500 stocks with bullish/bearish technical levels