Aiolux is a financial research platform designed to help investors quickly understand the state of the market and contextualize recent performance of stocks and ETFs with historical data.
Markets and individual stocks move on earnings, political head/tailwinds, economic data etc. which are often challenging to interpret and quantify even for professionals. While the market is efficient in the long-term, there is a lot of noise introduced for individual stocks in the short / medium term as new information takes time to be digested properly and this creates opportunity. Sentiment plays an important role and investors try to gauge this using moving averages, technical indicators etc. (this sometimes becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy).
Information from Aiolux is best utilized in conjunction with your fundamental research (reading earnings/analyst reports, analyzing financials etc.). Aiolux provides easily digestible analysis from historical trends to help you understand how recent action in a stock/etf/index/cryptocurrency compares to history. This can help validate the prior effectiveness of a popular technical indicator for example.
Successful investors build and trim positions with multiple trades over time which requires taking into context the short and medium-term. Understanding seasonal patterns can help you make the decision to pull the trigger now or wait a few weeks. This is another useful way to use the information on Aiolux
When analyzing an important inflection point in a stock’s historical chart, it is often hard to figure out what happened and how other stocks etc. performed on the same day back then. Aiolux Time Machine functionality carries historical records for upto 20 years along with linking to other historical information in order to understand that particular situation better.
These are just some quick examples to get you thinking about how to use Aiolux
Aiolux caters to varying levels of expertise by providing information in an easily digestible format with minimal configuration required by narrowing on most common settings of popular metrics rather than a bewildering array of customizable options. Clear explanation is provided on how things were calculated as well as a jumping off point of interpreting/using data.
A less- experienced investor who wishes to make smarter decisions and learn more will find Aiolux as valuable as well as a professional investor/firm who may wish to leverage Aiolux insights without having to deploy in-house computing resources. Aiolux is not designed for total novices, who may find it challenging