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[TFX] Teleflex Inc Statements

Data updated 2023-Dec-17 (Sunday)

  Note: Easy to read financial statements for Teleflex Inc [NYSE:TFX] with charts that analyze trends of statement items & metrics and compare them with peers

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Annual Income Statement values for Teleflex Inc are rounded to enhance readability. Hover on cells below for additional contextual info. Key metrics are also provided for your convenience
   2022-Dec  2021-Dec  2020-Dec  2019-Dec  2018-Dec  2017-Dec
   Revenue  Detail 2.79 B 2.79 B 2.81 B 2.54 B 2.6 B 2.45 B
   Cost of Revenue  Detail 1.23 B 1.23 B 1.26 B 1.21 B 1.1 B 1.05 B
   Gross Profit  Detail 1.56 B 1.56 B 1.55 B 1.32 B 1.49 B 1.4 B
      Gross Profit Margin  Detail 55.9% 55.9% 55.1% 52.2% 57.5% 57.0%
   Total Operating Expenses  Detail 1.01 B 1.01 B 977 M 818 M 991 M 930 M
   Operating Income  Detail 548 M 548 M 571 M 505 M 502 M 466 M
      Operating Margin  Detail 19.6% 19.6% 20.3% 19.9% 19.3% 19.0%
   Non-Operating  Detail 1 M -230 M -1 M - - -
   EBIT  Detail 547 M 778 M 572 M 505 M 502 M 466 M
      EBIT Margin  Detail 19.6% 27.9% 20.4% 19.9% 19.3% 19.0%
   Interest  Detail -101 M -332 M -13 M -147 M -162 M -246 M
   EBT  Detail 446 M 446 M 559 M 358 M 340 M 220 M
      Pretax Margin  Detail 16.0% 16.0% 19.9% 14.1% 13.1% 9.0%
      Interest Coverage Ratio  Detail 5.42 2.34 44 3.44 3.1 1.89
   Taxes  Detail 83 M 83 M 74 M 22 M -122 M 23 M
   Minority Interest  Detail - - - - - -
   Net Income  Detail 363 M 363 M 485 M 336 M 462 M 196 M
      Net Margin  Detail 13.0% 13.0% 17.3% 13.2% 17.8% 8.0%
   Depreciation & Amortization  Detail 231 M 169 M 237 M 227 M 214 M 210 M
   EBITDA  Detail 778 M 778 M 809 M 732 M 716 M 676 M
      EBITDA Margin  Detail 27.9% 27.9% 28.8% 28.9% 27.6% 27.6%
   Shares  Detail 47 M 47 M 47 M 46 M 46 M 46 M
   Diluted Shares  Detail 47 M 47 M 47 M 47 M 47 M 47 M
   EPS  Detail 7.68 10.4 10.2 7.09 9.8 4.29
   Diluted EPS  Detail 7.68 10.2 7.09 7.09 9.8 4.29
      EBITDA / Share  Detail 16.6 16.6 17.2 15.6 15.2 14.4

Chart shows absolute values of Revenue using annual statements for Teleflex Inc. Fiscal Dates standardized to enable peer comparisons


Select Income Statement line/metric for chart. Other fields & statement line items available when different statement type selected
Subsequent stock performance post annual earnings date till next announcement for Teleflex Inc. Dates correspond to earnings announcement dates for the period when new financial data became available to the market

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Information for Teleflex Inc

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  Financial Statements : Analyze Income Statement, Balance Sheet & Cashflow Statement and also compare with peers Currently Viewing
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  Historical Seasonality : Seasonal performance by calendar months
  Dividend History : History of Dividend Yield
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  Historical Analogues : Insights from closest historical matches to recent performance using Artificial Intelligence
  Chart Pattern Matching : Insights from similar historical charts to recent chart using Artificial Intelligence
  News Stories : News stories on 2024-Oct-17 on Google
  SEC Reports : Quarterly reports around 2024-Oct-17 on SEC Edgar

Compare Teleflex Inc with other assets

  Market Performance : Recent performance across covered assets
  Historical Performance : Prior & Subsequent performance across assets on a historical date
  Market Technicals : Technical indicator levels across covered assets
  Market Seasonality : Seasonal performance by calendar months across covered assets
  Pair Correlations : Performance Correlations with other assets
  Beta : Volatility relative to the broad market
  Performance Comparison : Visually compare/benchmark performance with other assets over time
  Side-by-Side Comparison : Contrast with other assets over time in a side-by-side presentation
  Sector : Health Care sector performance which includes Teleflex Inc
  Industry : Equipment & Supplies industry performance which includes Teleflex Inc

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