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MACD Indicator for [AMZN] Amazon.com, Inc.

Data updated 2024-Sep-18 (Wednesday)

  Analyze current daily levels of Moving Average Convergence Divergence indicator for Amazon.com, Inc. . Technicals are widely used by investors to gauge performance, momentum etc. See Guide for further details . To compare technicals across stocks/etfs/crypto visit technical summary . Also, view daily frequency distribution of bullish/bearish technical signals (e.g. RSI, MACD etc.) with technical sentiment report to gauge changes in aggregate across the market or a particular sector


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Recent Technical Indicator history for Amazon.com, Inc. use daily Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) values as of Last Close (2024-Sep-18). See additional information below on calculation, interpretation etc.

Moving Average Convergence Divergence

Calculation Methodology:
MACD is calculated using the 12 & 26-period Exponential Moving Averages (EMA) of daily close levels. MACD Signal is calculated using the 9-period EMA of MACD

Detailed calculation steps are provided in the Reference links. Values are adjusted for splits (if applicable)
How to use this indicator:
MACD is a momentum oscillator used to understand trends. MACD above its signal line is bullish and below its signal line is bearish. Additionally, MACD crossing above zero is generally considered a bullish signal and conversely, crossing below zero is bearish

Interpretation above is not comprehensive but rather just a starting point of understanding. Experienced market professionals typically use a combination of different datapoints to drive decisions. Use additional links in the References section for more details
What about other technicals?

There are many technicals and many different settings for even the above indicators like different moving average periods selected for example. We however show only popular technical indicators with the most common configuration because they have historically gained acceptance as being the most useful. Mastering interpretation of these indicators will serve most investors well without adding clutter or noise from a large selection of less common indicators/settings. Email us if you strongly feel that there are other indicators worth adding

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Frequency distribution of daily MACD values from 2022-Sep-19. Latest MACD value is 2.49 as of 2024-Sep-18. Longer frequency distribution of MACD also available (5-year deciles linked below chart)

MACD Deciles
AMZN : Key Technicals 2024-Sep-18 Wednesday
AD 49.6 Billion ADX 17.1
ATR 4.74 CCI 123.7
MACD 1.43 OBV 47.8 Billion
OSC 84.3 86.7 RSI 60

Anomalies  AI

Anomaly Detection for Amazon.com, Inc. looks at key performance metrics relative to it's history (upto 10 years) for Amazon.com, Inc. to identify unusual levels for 2024-Sep-18:

  • 30-day Relative Volume at 0.8x is extremely depressed. Subsequent performance over next 20 days in such cases averages +2.9% and is up 66% of the time. Subsequent performance over next 200 days in such cases averages +19.2% and is up 75% of the time
  • ...
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    Anomaly Detection for Amazon.com, Inc. looks at key technical metrics relative to it's history (upto 10 years) for Amazon.com, Inc. to identify unusual levels for 2024-Sep-18:

  • MACD-EMA(MACD) at 1.4 is extraordinarily elevated. Subsequent performance over next 200 days in such cases averages +18.4% and is up 74% of the time
  • ...
    Sign Up or Login to see more performance anomalies

     Anomaly Details

    Related to Amazon.com, Inc.

    Information for Amazon.com, Inc.

      Current Detail : Recent daily/monthly performance & benchmark comparison
      Historical Detail : Historical performance & related information using Time Machine
      Financial Statements : Analyze Income Statement, Balance Sheet & Cashflow Statement and also compare with peers
      Bayesian Statement Classifier : Investigate historical financial statements to make probabalistic predictions using Artificial Intelligence
      Anomaly Detection : Investigate unusual recent performance & technicals with historical context using AI
      Historical Seasonality : Seasonal performance by calendar months
      Dividend History : History of Dividend Yield
      Technical History : Popular Technical indicator trends (RSI, MACD etc.) Currently Viewing
      Metric Deciles : Contextualizing recent performance & technical levels into historical decile buckets
      Dollar Cost Averaging : Dollar Cost Average (DCA) over time in your portfolio
      Moving Averages : Key Simple & Exponential Moving Averages
      Historical Analogues : Insights from closest historical matches to recent performance using Artificial Intelligence
      Chart Pattern Matching : Insights from similar historical charts to recent chart using Artificial Intelligence
      News Stories : News stories on 2024-Sep-18 on Google
      SEC Reports : Quarterly reports around 2024-Sep-18 on SEC Edgar

    Compare Amazon.com, Inc. with other assets

      Market Performance : Recent performance across covered assets
      Historical Performance : Prior & Subsequent performance across assets on a historical date
      Market Technicals : Technical indicator levels across covered assets
      Market Seasonality : Seasonal performance by calendar months across covered assets
      Pair Correlations : Performance Correlations with other assets
      Beta : Volatility relative to the broad market
      Performance Comparison : Visually compare/benchmark performance with other assets over time
      Side-by-Side Comparison : Contrast with other assets over time in a side-by-side presentation
      Sector : Consumer Discretionary sector performance which includes Amazon.com, Inc.
      Industry : Multiline Retail industry performance which includes Amazon.com, Inc.

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