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Conversationally interact with ChatGPT to now analyze updated prices, technical indicators, financial statements, macro-economic/company news & more for Stocks, ETFs & Cryptos
Portfolio Seasonality for Stocks, Etfs & Crypto
Data updated 2025-Mar-28 (Friday)Does your portfolio perform seasonally? Customize stock/etf/cryptos & quantities to instantly analyze seasonality effects on portfolio and identify strengths/weaknesses
Chart displays median calendar month Portfolio returns for upto 10-years relative to benchmark (S&P 500). Intervals show winning/losing performances for each month
Portfolio Seasonality over the last 10 years using monthly returns. Above-average positive & below-average negative peformances are formatted darker. Icon indicates period where portfolio over-performed or under-performed benchmark. Hover on cells for details
Year | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |
Related Resources for Portfolio
Performance & Drawdowns : Benchmark Portfolio performance & Drawdown analysis
Portfolio Seasonality : Absolute/Benchmarked performance through calendar months Currently Viewing
Risk Reward Ratios : Evaluate Risk-Reward tradeoff with Sharpe & Sortino ratios
Portfolio Alpha : Quantify portfolio outperformance with Jensen's Alpha
Portfolio Beta : Analyze portfolio volatility with Portfolio Beta
Correlation Matrix : Correlations between Portfolio constituents & find other uncorrelated/negatively correlated assets
Value At Risk : Historical distribution of daily Portfolio drawdowns
Dollar Cost Averaging : Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) individual stocks in your portfolio
Portfolio Seasonality : Absolute/Benchmarked performance through calendar months Currently Viewing
Risk Reward Ratios : Evaluate Risk-Reward tradeoff with Sharpe & Sortino ratios
Portfolio Alpha : Quantify portfolio outperformance with Jensen's Alpha
Portfolio Beta : Analyze portfolio volatility with Portfolio Beta
Correlation Matrix : Correlations between Portfolio constituents & find other uncorrelated/negatively correlated assets
Value At Risk : Historical distribution of daily Portfolio drawdowns
Dollar Cost Averaging : Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) individual stocks in your portfolio